For me, there's nothing more peaceful and calming than a dark stormy day...I am genuinely happy when I wake up to a grey tint on the sky and that smell of rain in the air. What should I do with this awesome rainy day? Why not try to make pottery?
With the heavenly sound of rain pounding on the tin roof of the studio I tuned out the stress of the week and settled into a rhythm of turning...
(Photo courtesy of my own personal paparazzi Dawn Crouse)
It's nice when things come out the way you planned, and even better when it happens over and over all in a row! I managed to make quite a few pieces that (fingers crossed) will make it to the fall show.
You know there are other benefits to the rain besides just my's almost a bearable temperature when the breeze passes through the shop...and the humidity makes the pots dry so much slower. For you non-potters that means my handles and sprig mold appliqués are less likely to fall off! Ha!
And I got to visit with a large bulk of the Hilton Homeplace crew! With only 7 short weeks until the fall show, I had better kick it into high gear! Maybe a few more of these rainy weekends and I'll be ready!