Apparently the universe had different turns on a tall wheel he built 30 some odd years ago...he says it's better for your back, but to me it's just too tall and I enjoy the variable speed foot pedal this one doesn't have...(see below) I prefer the standard shorter Brent CXC wheel (to the right of gigantor the too tall turning tractor seat wheel) ok, back to the point...
Dad takes the smaller wheel to shows occasionally to do live throwing demonstrations, (sooooo not on my agenda anytime in the near future) and today we needed to get the wheel off the back of the trailer and back in the shop. Except that when we did, the aforementioned variable speed foot pedal no longer worked...well, that's not entirely worked, there just wasn't any variable speed, in fact there was only off...hmmmmm, could be an issue?
(Gigantor tractor seat dad wheel = left; reasonable normal height wheel = right)
After a short discussion about why cutting off the pedal from the other wheel we use for trimming and reattaching it to this wheel might temporarily fix the problem, but wasn't a great idea...since long after he and his electrical "rigging" skills are gone I am going to have to deal with the fallout...
So he goes digging around and manages to find the EXACT part he needed to repair properly...(imagine that) So the wheel Dr goes to work:
So while I entertain the cat, dad Macgyver's the wheel pedal and all is back to operational...perhaps the NEXT time will be more productive (but not likely to be as entertaining!)
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