Sunday, October 13, 2013

If you fire it, they will come...

Ok, not quite the same as baseball fields and Kevin Costner...but the 10th Anniversary Hilton Homeplace Sale was a big success!  This was the "last" year of the free cider cups (last being tentative since I heard that the 5th year was also the "last" year).  Nevertheless the free cider cups (also affectionately referred to as "those damnedable giveaway cups" by my father) were a big hit.  We had a line waiting at 8am wrapped around the corner and into the parking lot...

It is really humbling to think about how much this event has grown since the first show in 2003.  That was a true "kiln opening" with dad (BR Hilton) Sybil (Pottery by Sybil) and John (John Hilton) where the three of them literally opened the kiln on Saturday morning and sold pottery from it. 

  Now the show has 8-10 potters, 3 generations of Hilton potters, live throwing demonstrations, a Hilton Homeplace cookbook, and we've invited 700 of our closest friends and family to show up in dad's front yard to shop...(shameless PR plug's the 2nd Saturday in October each year info at We have so many visitors from all over the country...even 96 South Carolina (just past 95 but before 97 ha ha!)  thanks so much for all of your continued support. 
  While I don't know that I would quite call myself a potter, I certainly would say the light at the end of the tunnel is not a speeding train headed for me...that is I guess to say, if you fire it...they will come...
Thanks so much to all of the friends, family, and customers who helped make my 3rd pottery sale a success.  I still say it's cheaper than therapy...and I have to get rid of it all so I can make more!  Until then...

1 comment:

  1. I love your little pushpin acorns and I wish there had been more. I'm glad you guys did well.
