Sunday, April 15, 2012

If only the Production department...

If only the Production department worked as hard as the marketing team! Ha! So now I have cards to hand out with the purchase of a piece of my pottery, price stickers to place on the pieces for sale, a logo for Heather Hilton pottery, a blog, and more pictures than I could ever use...hmmmm...

Now I need to actually turn some pottery! I guess when you consider that I had a few extra (unpaid) employees in the marketing department it makes a little more sense, but I have got to get back at the wheel!

Thank you to my Marketing team: Robert Hilton & Dawn Crouse Photography! As my dad would say "thank you till you are better paid" ha!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Some days you just can't get it up!

What?...hey wait...get your mind out of the gutter! I am talking about pottery!

Today was just one of those days where everything I touched tore apart. So frustrating! After a few hours of trying I just gave up!

Not happy with anything I did today, but really liked the couple of new glazes I bought a few weeks back. Maybe if I get anything turned, I'll be able to try them on a few pieces.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

only a potter would give the gift of clay!

  So, as I celebrate the anniversary of my 29th birthday (I stopped counting a few years back) I got a really cool gift.  Picture this...

dad walks in with a bag of clay (not unusual yet) he holds it out and says "happy birthday" (odd, but hey he is a potter, I am aspiring to be a potter, clay is not really the most out of the question gift to give I guess) So then the curiosity gets to me...I pull out the clay block and the real gift arrives...

check it out I'm legit!

My own signature pottery stamp!  The best part is that it was a surprise, and a lot more work for dad because he didn't have a single thing with my signature on it...except a finished pot.  Took some creativity but he pulled it off!  Thanks dad, really great birthday gift!  

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April ain't foolin!

Only appropriate that I spend April Fool's day throwing mud around!  Didn't get very many pieces made today (only 3 turned, in fact) but I'm working on a few new ideas that I hope work out for some neat items...a soap pump, a lotion dispenser...we shall see!
turning on April Fool's Day 2012

Yesterday dad and the rest of the Hilton Homeplace crew worked their fingers to the bone processing 3,000 pounds of clay...(glad I missed the hard work, ha!) I can't believe how much work goes into preparing clay! (and I thought the turning was the hard part!)  Thanks to Dawn Crouse for always being nearby with a camera!